Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brown Bag: Code Compliance Sheets

Noon to 1:30PM, Thursday, January 31st

AIA East Bay, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland

The Codes Committee invites you to a Brown Bag Luncheon (BYOL) to share your office’s Code Compliance Sheets – and to propose new ones. Please don’t be shy! Trim off your title block if you wish. It is our intent to look at different approaches to demonstrating to reviewing officials what steps we have taken to assure that our projects meet the requirements of structural, access and fire and life safety codes.

Do you have any template sheets, forms or checklists that you use to assist you in determining and demonstrating your allowable building areas and heights, occupancy classifications, construction type, height and setbacks? How about exit widths and maximum travel distances? Accessible parking counts and paths of travel? And others.

What do you submit to the State (DSA) that is different than other AHJ’s (Agencies Having Jurisdiction – i.e. cites, counties, joint powers boards, etc.)?

How do you show AMMR’s (Alternate Materials and Methods Requests)? How about Deferred Approval (design/build) items? Local fire department approvals for fire hydrants and fire equipment access?

It is the intent of the Committee to eventually put together a set of guidelines, or a list of references to such guidelines, that we can place on the website to assist our members in preparing thorough and accurate code reviews, as well as preparing the documents that demonstrate to our plan reviewers what steps we have taken to assure that our projects meet the code.

For more information: Kellie Hewlett, Program Coordinator. 510/464-3600

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