Wednesday, June 27, 2007
East Bay Green Remodelers Guild presents...Water Catchment & Site Water Management
- Josiah Cain, Landscape Architect and Ecological Designer, Rana Creek- Bobby Markowitz, Landscape Architect, Earthcraft Design- Billi Romain, Sustainability Coordinator, City of Berkeley
Topic Description:
Managing site water during the life of a building
Josiah Cain has extensive experience in working with ecological design and site water management. The company Rana Creek has civil engineers, architects, landscape architects and biologists that work together for a holistic approach. Several examples will be shown including a greywater supplied infiltration system and constructed wetlands at the Berkeley Eco House.
Bobby Markowitz will show examples of projects, smart landscaping and a few rules of thumb for rainwater from residential roofs including info on the equipment and pumps required; his company’s focus is to design beautiful landscapes that are irrigated by rainwater.
Billi Romain is the Sustainable Development Coordinator for the City of Berkeley where she manages the Green Building Program for both public and private sector projects. She is a city planner with extensive experience in stormwater management. She will give a brief overview on the stormwater management and regulations - from NPDES Stormwater Permit requirements to building codes. Examples will be discussed of local stormwater quality protection; cisterns and rainwater catchment, swales and retention/detention basins.
4:30-5:00 Sign in, Dinner and Networking 5:00-7:00 Topic Presentation (will start promptly)7:00-7:30 Q&A - Open Discussion
Place: - Truitt & White Conference Room, 1817 Second St., Berkeley - Cross Street: Hearst Certified Green Building Professional CEU Value:1.5 - Subject Area: Site/Landscaping/Water
Meeting Cost: $15 per person (with or without meal)
Payment: Cash or check at the door. A receipt can be provided.
Dinner: Dinner will be provided for all attendees who would like one.
RSVP: Please indicate the number in your party and which meeting you are RSVPing for by Monday, July 9th. Pre-registration is required. RSVP to, or call 510-845-0472 ext. 112. Your registration will be confirmed by email the day before the event.
Request for Proposal: Architectural/Engineering Services for ADA Compliance Work
I. Preparation of Floor Plans in ACAD for all City College Buildings.
Scope of Work: Review existing floor plans and verify in field. Update floor plans, as needed, and for each building prepare final floor plan in ACAD format using "U.S. National CAD Standards." These drawings in ACAD format will be used as base drawings for work, which includes, but is not limited, to the following: City College Campus Access Guide, Evacuation Plans, and Designated Accessible Facilities.
Buildings include, but may not be limited to, Batmale Hall, Cloud Hall, Creative Arts/Diego Rivera Theater, Creative Arts Extension, Conlan Hall, Smith Hall/Statler Wing, Student Union, Rosenberg Library, Horticulture, Evans Campus, Alemany Campus, Downtown Campus, and Gough Street.
II. Designated Accessible Facilities.
Scope of Work: With general direction from District's project manager, prepare construction documents for renovation of laboratory, computer, classroom, and special program facilities to meet accessibility compliance requirements for the disabled.
Examples of work: Provision of accessible entry into building to each floor level to designated accessible labs, classrooms, or special program spaces. All unique program spaces and one-third of all computer labs, wet labs, and classrooms, including art studios and music rooms, be accessible. Accessible labs may require specially modified workstations, appropriate clearances and reach distances at fume hoods, sinks, and shower and eyewashes.
III. Areas of Rescue Assistance.
Scope of Work: Using the guidelines prepared by The McMullen Co., the District's consultant for building evacuation plans, prepare construction documents for construction of "Areas of Rescue Assistance" in multi-level buildings, that meet the exiting requirements of 2001 California Code of Regulations 2001, Title 24.
Examples of work: Provide, as needed, 1-hr rated assemblies at existing stair tower enclosures, and specify communication devices, magnetic door-holders to be integrated into the fire alarm control panel. Provide proper signage and graphics at evacuation chair locations designated by Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Deadline for Completion of Work
The updating of floor plans is urgent, and must be completed by August 31, 2007 for use as the base graphics for the Evacuation Signs. Additionally, these updated floor plans will be used as base drawings for the design of Designed Accessible Facilities and Areas of Rescue Assistance, which must be completed and submitted to the California Division of the State Architect by October 17, 2007.
If your firm is interested in providing services, please provide a brief letter of interest by Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 5 PM, to Caroline SooHoo, Project Manager, Facilities Planning, City College of San Francisco, 50 Phelan Avenue, B-601, San Francisco, CA 94112.
In your letter, please address the following items:
1. Your experience with community college facilities and alterations for ADA compliance.
2. The availability of your staff and consultants to meet the October 17, 2007 deadline for DSA submittal.
3. Your proposal for fees and services.
Updated information related to this RFP will be posted to the City College website:
For more information: Caroline SooHoo, Project Manager at 415-239-3572 or email at
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Transportation 2035 Early Dialogue Workshop
Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter
101 Eighth Street, Oakland
(Across from Lake Merritt BART)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Get Involved in the Regional Transportation Plan!
Join in a facilitated discussion with MTC as we begin a major update to the Bay Area's long-range transportation plan, an effort known as Transportation 2035.
For more information: email to or via phone to 510.817.5757.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Licensed outside of California?
Attention: Check Your State Licensing Requirements
Many states require renewal by June 30
Many architects are up for renewals for their state licensing registrations in June. Review the quick overview charts for state requirements and licensing boards’ requirements for more information. Also, visit the AIA CES Members Page to access your transcript.
Need continuing education credits? AIA East Bay can help!
For more information: Kellie Hewlett
Free Seismic Retrofit Seminar
6500 Stockton Ave.
A Free Seismic Retrofit Seminar
Saturday June 23
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Understanding the principles and practice of effective wood frame seismic retrofitting
An extensive number of photos and drawings will be presented. We will cover issues such as:
1. Why an April 2006 Contra Costa Times article discovered that two-thirds of all retrofits will not perform as intended and how to insure your house is not one of them.
2. Why geologists fear the Hayward Fault can rupture at any time.
3. An explanation of earthquake retrofit design principles and the most up to date retrofit practices.
4. Lessons learned in the Los Angeles Northridge earthquake and how you can profit from them.
5. Special problems posed by hillside homes.
Seminar instructors: Jeanne Perkins, Earthquake hazards mitigation expert with the Association of Bay Area Governments.
Thor Matteson, a nationally acclaimed structural engineer and author of Wood-Framed Shear Wall Construction-an Illustrated Guide, published by the International Code Council. See
Howard Cook, a former Residential Earthquake Damage Inspector for FEMA, a former Berkeley Disaster Commissioner, and co-author of Plan Set A, an International Code Council retrofit guideline. He is also the former owner of Bay Area Retrofit, an East Bay residential retrofit company based in Berkeley since 1994. See
For more information:
Registration DEADLINE July 19, 2007
This conference is designed for school facilities managers, design and construction professionals, public education administrators and contractors, and anyone who is interested in public education facilities and bringing sustainable construction projects in “On Time and On Budget”. This conference will focus on construction challenges (and solutions) from concept through construction and commissioning in order to build sustainable public school facilities for K-12 and higher education.
Highlights of the conference include:
Collaborative Approach (DSA)
Designing and building LEED from the certified professional perspective
Cost containment techniques
Added funding sources for energy efficiency
Energy conservation strategies
Tours of Butte College’s sustainable facilities
Classrooms of the future
Top professionals will address the best management practices for successfully building tomorrow’s sustainable schools. Conference speakers include:
Dr. Marshall Drummond, Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
Larry Eisenberg, Executive Director Facilities Planning and Development, Los Angeles Community College District
Frederick Harris, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges
David Thorman, State Architect, Division of the State Architect
Jose Nunez, Vice Chancellor, Facilities Planning and Operations, San Mateo County Community College District
Warren Jacobs, A.I.A., LEED/AP, Capital Planning, Design and Construction, The California State University
Registration forms and conference information are available online at
The second part of This Way to Sustainability Conference III - Connecting to the North State will be hosted by CSU, Chico and will be held on the CSU, Chico campus November 1-4, 2007. We still have space left for exhibitors and speakers but time is running out!
NEW THIS YEAR: Exhibitors are welcome but space is limited. We are looking for businesses and organizations who want to exhibit their products and ideas to help our students and community learn and grow as environmentally literate citizens. To submit an exhibitors application please visit
Conference presentation proposals are still being accepted until Friday, July 20th, 2007. To submit a proposal please visit
For more information: Teri Randolph
Administrative Support
The Institute for Sustainable Development
California State University, Chico
Phone: (530) 898-3333
Fax: (530) 898-3336
Small Firm Forum: Garden Tour
We will begin the tour at the Berres Garden, 130 Somerset Road, Piedmont at 12 Noon (the cross street is Estates Drive, which is entered from Park Boulevard), then take a 10 minute drive to the Martinez and Sloan Garden, 915 Sunnyhills Road, Oakland (nearTrestle Glenn Rd. in the upper Lakeshore Avenue district).
*Bring a bag lunch and a drink: we will eat in the Berres Garden between Noon and 12:30.
*Also bring $3.00 please, if you are not an AIA member.
*Please be prepared to stay until 2 p.m. this time, if you can.
*Car pooling is a good idea, as Sommerset Road is very narrow, and parking is limited, and it may be necessary to park some distance up the hill and walk down; parking is also limited on Sunnyhills Road.
Have a happy Fourth of July!
For more information:
Kaaren Spitzley (
Joe Spitzley (
Spitzley Construction, Inc.
Phone: 510/841-2185
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
2007 AIA East Bay Design Awards Announced
James L. Cutler, FAIA (Bainbridge Island, WA)
Craig W. Hartman, FAIA (San Francisco)
Jonathan Segal, FAIA (San Diego)
Honor Award
Hercules Public Library
Hercules, CA
Architect: HGA Architects & Engineers / will bruder+PARTNERS LTD
Owner: City of Hercules
Structural Engineer: Umerani Associates
Mechanical Engineer: Glumac Consulting Engineers
Landscape Architect: CMG Landscape Architecture
Electrical Engineer: Glumac Consulting Engineers
General Contractor: Turner Construction
Photographer: Bill Timmerman
Honor Award
Narducci Residence
Napa, CA
Architect: Regan Bice Architects
Structural Engineer: Komendant Engineering Inc.
Mechanical Engineer: Tom Knott & Associates
Landscape Architect: Seam Studios Landscaping & Design
General Contractor: Olson Brothers
Color Consultant: Tim Caton, Color Studio
Photographer: Regan Bice Architects
Merit Award
Shiing-Shen Chern Hall—Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Expansion Project
Berkeley, CA
Architect: Glass Associates, Inc.
Owner: University of California
Structural Engineer: Degenkolb Engineers
Mechanical Engineer: Flack+Kurtz
Electrical Engineer: Flack+Kurtz
Landscape Architect: GLS Architecture/Landscape Architecture
General Contractor: S.J. Amoroso Construction Co.
Acoustical Consultant: Wilson Ihrig Associates
Lighting Consultant: Architectural Lighting Design
Photographer: Glass Associates, Inc.
Merit Award
Berkeley High School Complex
Berkeley, CA
Architect: ELS Architecture and Urban Design
Owner: Berkeley Unified School District
Associated Architectural Firm: Edwin S. Darden Associates
Structural Engineer: SOH & Associates
Mechanical Engineer: SJ Engineers
Electrical Engineer: Silverman & Light
Landscape Architect: Pattillo & Garrett Associates
General Contractor: Arntz Construction
Photographer: Timothy Hursley / David Wakely
Merit Award
Molecular Foundry
Berkeley, CA
Architect: SmithGroup, Inc.
Owner: Jim Krupnick, Director, Office of Institutional Assurance
Structural Engineer: Rutherford + Chekene
Mechanical Engineer: Gayner Engineering
Electrical Engineer: Gayner Engineering
Landscape Architect: Peter Walker and Associates
General Contractor: Rudolph + Sletten
Photographer: Timothy Hursley / David Wakely
Citation for Architecture
Eastside College Preparatory School
East Palo Alto, CA
Architect: Fernau & Hartman Architects
Owner: East Side School
Structural Engineer: Tipping Mar & Associates
Mechanical Engineer: Critchfield Mechanical Inc.
Electrical Engineer: BRK Associates
Landscape Architect: Lin Winterbotham
General Contractor: Vance Brown Inc.
Theater Consultant: Landry & Bogan
Water Proofing: Ward Stevens III
Lighting Consultant: JS + Associates Lighting Design, LLC
Acoustical Consultant: Charles M Salter Associates
Photographer: Richard Barnes Photography / Sharon Risedorph
Citation for Architecture
John Phillips Harpsichord & Aerosol Dynamics, Inc.
Berkeley, CA
Architect: Regan Bice Architects
Structural Engineer: Komendant Engineering
Landscape Architect: David Bigham
General Contractor: Johnston Construction
Photographer: Regan Bice Architects
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Committee on the Environment: Sustainability--An Inclusive Interpretation
Committee on the Environment:
Sustainability: An Inclusive Interpretation
Presented by Liz Ogbus of Public Architecture. Ms. Ogbu's presentation will explain the notion of social justice and sustainability are not mutually exclusive. Too often people view sustainability only in its environmental context, but social sustainability is an equally critical component of ensuring healthy and viable communities. Through its design projects and pro bono initiative, the 1% Solution, Public Architecture champions both environmental and social sustainability. Projects and ideas presented will focus on the ways in which this more inclusive view of sustainability can have a tremendously positive impact on the work of the design professions and the people their work affects.
Time: Noon-1:30pm
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Contact: Kellie Hewlett or Erick Mikiten, AIA
Cost: None
For more information: 510/464-3600
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
"I would like to give everyone an update on the Design for Living magazine Dream Kitchen Contest.
The contest is for homeowners who have a picture-perfect kitchen that would like to submit their kitchen in the Dream Kitchen Contest. Two award-winning entries will have their kitchen featured in the fall issue of Design for Living magazine. Contest deadline is July 15, 2007.
We have promoted the contest with a full-page ad in the spring issue of Design for Living magazine and in the June issue of Diablo magazine. We have also sent an A-list e-blast out to approximately 14,000 opt-in subscribers. In addition to the ads and e-blast, we have sent promotional materials to appropriate existing clients which include a letter describing the contest, a copy of the spring issue of Design for Living magazine, a counter display of the contest, and contest bookmarks. Please let me know if you have any additional ideas to help promote the contest.
Please share the Dream Kitchen Contest with members. Here is the link for official contest rules and entry procedures. This is a great way to work with homeowners."
For more information:
Amanda Stifle
Diablo Publications
2520 Camino Diablo
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 943-1199 ext. 224
Pro-bono--1% Opportunity
"I am putting out the call for a licensed architect to help this permanently affordable co-housing project with it's city of Oakland permitting process. Basically we need a set of as-built plans for a couple of renovations, & windows and advice on minor work to make this project conform to building codes per the Certificate of occupancy requirements.
The Project is Mariposa Grove (828, 832 & 834 - 59th Street in oakland), and is comprised of 3 existing, inhabited buildings. Its an amazing co-housing project undergoing condo conversion so that the current low-income residents can buy their own units at an affordable price. This is why we asking for help, since we would really like to get pro-bono work or perhaps a reduced rate, in order to keep the overall project costs down and keep the project affordable to low -income households."
Here is the Mariposa Grove group's website:
Roughly we need:
- amending existing drawings to include windows to an enclosed 2nd story back porch addition
- plans for existing windows (3 or 4) which were added w/o permits
- plans for minor renovations which resulted in the merging of 2 units (addition of door & removal of kitchen)
For more information:
Francis McIlveen
Northern California Land Trust
3126 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705
p: 510-548-7878 x369
f: 510-548-7562
Monday, June 11, 2007
Joint City Council & Planning Commission Meeting Location
"Joint City Council & Planning Commission Meeting
Location: City Council Chambers – 1401 Marina Way South
Date/Time: Tue, Jun 12th, 2007 / 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Groups: Public Note: The City Council and Planning Commission will discuss and refine land use options for the Richmond General Plan Update.
This hearing is very important for several reasons:
1. For the first time, City Council and Planning Commission members will discuss publicly their preferences for the direction of the General Plan Update. This is likely to influence the remainder of the General Plan process.
2. You are likely to see the conflicts between the old and new ways of thinking play out publicly.
3. It is important that the public be heard so that special interests will not dominate this discussion.
For a status report on the progress of the General Plan Update, visit"
Thursday, June 07, 2007
HSW Continuing Education Conference: Energy Efficient Building Systems
HSW Continuing Education Conference: Energy Efficient Building Systems
Attend the full day of seminars and earn 5.5 HSW LEARNING UNIT (LUs) CREDITS. Some of the seminars will focus on energy efficient building practices that will help to comply with sustainable building standards. Some of the products have been used in LEED certified buildings. Complimentary breakfast and lunch provided.
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Cost: $25 Members, $50 Non Members
Download Detailed Description of Seminar
Click Here to Register
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
For Lease: Grand Lake Professional Office
The lease is a package deal with all the common spaces: a 14’ x 20’ shared waiting room, bathroom, kitchenette with fridge, microwave, dishwasher, granite counters, huge back deck with table and yard with benches.
$1,150/mo. Lease terms negotiable.
For more information: contact Carolyn 510-681-4577;
RFQ: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications from qualified firms for architectural and engineering services for public works improvements in various existing correctional facilities throughout the State. Multiple firms will be selected for thirty-six month contracts. The project of the resulting contract(s) includes multiple sites and will be for services for complete smaller improvements or specialized architectural or engineering portions of larger improvements.
Services may be required as early as December 2007, and may include budget years 2007/2008 through 2009/2010. CDCR also encourages Small Business Enterprise and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise participation.
To be considered for selection, firms must submit Statements of Qualifications to:
By mail to: Department of Corrections and RehabilitationArchitecture / Engineering
Attention: David Podesto, Chief
P.O. Box 942883
Sacramento, CA 94283-0001
Or hand delivered:
501 J Street, Suite 301
Sacramento, CA 95814
Submittal Deadline: June 15, 2007 3:00 PM
Statements of Qualifications are required to meet certain specifications as outlined in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Click here to obtain a copy of the RFQ via the Internet. Enter the contract number Contract #C06.5061 and you will access the RFQ as an attachment to the ad.
Please note that downloading the RFQ from the Internet is the most efficient method of obtaining the RFQ.
To obtain a copy of the RFQ via U.S. mail, contact:
Name: Julie Rojo Phone No.: (916) 327-0507
Or Name: Lisa Paterno Phone No.: (916) 323-1249
When you request a copy of the RFQ, please leave a message, which includes your name, firm, mailing address and phone number.
RFQ: University of California Hall Building Demolition
University of California, San Francisco Architectural/Engineering Services Request Statement of Qualifications for University of California Hall ProjectProject
Title: University of California Hall (UCH formerly University of California Hospital) Building Demolition
Project No.: M5437
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is seeking qualified Architectural/Engineering firms for the proposed the proposed University of California Hall (UCH formerly University of California Hospital) Building Demolition. The project involves preliminary analysis of the structural design of the existing UCH Building, analysis of site conditions and the Demolition. The University reserves the option, at its sole discretion, to continue the Architectural/Engineering services into design/engineering and actual demolition without having to put out another solicitation.
The Description of Project and Qualification package may be obtained by going to
Responses for RFQ are due by 12 noon, June 14, 2007.
Sustainability: An Inclusive Interpretation
Committee on the Environment Forum
Sustainability: An Inclusive Interpretation
Presented by Liz Ogbu of Public Architecture. Ms. Ogbu's presentation will explain the notion of social justice and sustainability are not mutually exclusive. Too often people view sustainability only in its environmental context, but social sustainability is an equally critical component of ensuring healthy and viable communities.
Through its design projects and pro bono initiative, the 1% Solution, Public Architecture champions both environmental and social sustainability. Projects and ideas presented will focus on the ways in which this more inclusive view of sustainability can have a tremendously positive impact on the work of the design professions and the people their work affects.
Time: Noon-1:30pm
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Cost: None, RSVPs not necessary
For more information: Kellie Hewlett 510/464-3600 or Erick Mikiten, AIA
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Call for Submissions: Green Residences for the 21st Century
Entries by Aug. 1.
E. Ashley Rooney seeks submissions of green residences for a coffee-table book for international publisher Schiffer Publishing: specifically 7-15 images (300 dpi, or slides, transparencies) that show interior and exterior and highlight both the design innovations and sustainable strategies, architect bio, photo release.
For more information: contact
E. Ashley Rooney
20 Hancock Street
Lexington, MA 02420
AIA East Bay Design Awards Deadlines EXTENDED

Extended! 2007 Design Awards Submittal Deadline
Time: 5:00pm
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Contact: Kellie Hewlett, Program Coordinator
Click Here to Register
What's New in Lighting (including the Future of LED)
Small Firm Forum: What's New in Lighting (including the Future of LED)
Randy Borden, owner of Borden Lighting in San Leandro will will introduce us to the variety of new lamps coming on the market, the new color ranges of the lamps, and what fixtures will look like. He will also talk about the future of LED for lighting and other architectural uses.
Time: Noon-1:30pm
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Cost: Free to AIA members; $3 non-members. Brown bag lunch, drinks provided.
For more information: 510/464-3600 or Joe & Kaaren Spitzley
The New California Building Code
Presented by Steven Winkel, FAIA, PE, manager of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Preview Group Inc., Mr. Winkel's presentation will address the code adoption process and the implementation schedule for the new California Building Code.
AIA East Bay offers two opportunities and locations for this program:
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: AIA East Bay Chapter Office, 1405 Clay Street, Oakland
Cost: $20 members $35 non members
Click Here to Register
2.0 CES/LU
Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location: Dahlin Group Architecture Planning, 5865 Owens Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Cost: $20 members $35 non members
Click Here to Register
2.0 CES/LU
For more information: Contact Kellie Hewlett, Program Coordinator 510/464-3600
Call for Submissions: New Architectectural Projects
California Home + Design seeks new architectural projects throughout California that are eye-catching and stand out against the existing landscape to feature each month in VIEW. This section mainly focuses on commercial and multi-use structures, but occasionally features residential projects.
The project must be NEW (2006+), COMPLETE, and photo-ready. Send a full project description and a selection of images to Erin Feher, Assistant Editor, CALIFORNIA HOME + DESIGN, Hartle Media 59 Grant Ave., Second Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108.
If you do prefer to send by email, please send to Erin Feher.
For more information: Erin Feher
Friday, June 01, 2007
Greening Albany
A Community Battles Global Warming
Sunday, June 3rd
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Albany Middle School
1259 Brighton Avenue
This is a terrific opportunity tor you to learn what you can do at your home and business to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources.
Learn more about energy efficient appliances, lights, bio fuels, composting, recycling, and products and services that are available to help conserve our planet.
Sponsors/booths will include: Arkin/Tilt (green architects), Albany Ford/Subaru (hybrid car), Smart Lights, The Alameda County Green Business Program, EBMUD, BART, Friends of the Five Creeks,, L.J. Kruse (tank-less water heaters), Rising Sun Energy Services, Waste Management, East Bay Paints (low VOC paints), Borrego Solar Systems (solar panels), Tulip Floors (sustainable flooring) Bio-Fuel Oasis, The Mechanics Bank (first green certified bank in Albany), Strollers and Rollers, Prudential Realty, The City of Albany, the USDA, and the Green Chamber of Commerce (partial list).
Speakers include: City Councilmembers Farid Javendal and Joanne Wile; Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson; Assemblymember Loni Hancock; David Arkin; Sierra Magazine Columnist Bob Schildgen; James Carter,
We will have coffee, pie, pastries at 11 a.m.
Our Program is from noon to 12:45 p.m.
For more information visit:
Green Building Tour
San Francisco Department of the Environment is sponsoring a series of Green Building Tours for the year of 2007. Join us in learning about the different aspects of green building: architectural features, construction techniques, lessons learned, and meet the professionals who are involved in the design, construction, and maintenance phases of each project.
WRNS Studio (Warner, Roffo, Nunes, Shiles) is a 35 person architecture firm established in 2005. Green features in their 10,000 square foot space
-Design of office provides daylight and views to the outside for 96% of the space -Low VOC paints, sealants and adhesives -Motion sensors and daylight harvesting system for energy efficiency -80% reuse of furniture -FSC certified wood
Cost: $10
Registration is required before June 7, 2007, 2:00 PM.
Please register at:
For more information: Christy Tao,, 415-355-3718