Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ergonomics in Workstation and Facility Design

The University of California presents:

Oakland, California August 3-4, 2006

This two-day seminar will bring together architects, facilities managers, and ergonomists to learn about the integration of ergonomics into the design of hospitals, libraries, and office space. The objectives are to provide those who work on new designs or renovations with tools for incorporating ergonomic considerations into the planning process, to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injury, and to maximize comfort and productivity.

Participants will be involved in lectures and highly interactive workshops to map out on floor plans including considerations such as location of elevators, entrances, materials movement and other key department needs. Ergonomics guidelines for working heights, reaches, seated work and design of standing work will be provided along with the process of conducting mock-up and task simulations.

Cost: $525 ($625 after June 26, 2006)

Course Director:

Ira Janowitz, MPS, CPE
University of California San Francisco/Berkeley Ergonomics Program

For more information:
Continuing Education Program: 510-643-7277

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This course booked up before my colleague and I were able to register. We'd very much like to attend and hope that there will be another seminar like this in the near future.