Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tour Natoma Architects (Stanley Saitowitz's Office)

From Rick Leitzinger, Assoc. AIA:

"Our first Cat-a-lyst event for 2006 is finally here. Stanley Saitowitz has graciously offered to take point on a new season of office and building tours. Come join us Saturday, March 25th at 1022 Natoma Street, San Francisco. The tour will start at 11:00 AM. We look forward to see you there. Should be lots of fun and very informative.

Stanley Saitowitz AIA, principal of Stanley Saitowitz Office/Natoma Architects Inc, was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He holds a degree in architecture from the University of Witwaterstand, Johannesburg and a Masters in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley, where he is currently a professor. He lectures extensively in the US and abroad. His work is published in local and international magazines, and his paintings, drawings and models exhibited in numerous galleries and museums.

Her are just a few examples of his work that you might be familiar with:

Beth Sholom
Sited at the intersection of Park Presidio and Clements Street, the project’s early plans called for the establishment of a pair of religious structures; one, a neo-classical Christen Science Church, the other a Congregation Beth Sholom whose two buildings sit on a plinth, forming an elevated courtyard. The first building is a masonry sanctuary, the second, a radiant cube housing all other spaces of the congregation.

The Oxbow School is a one semester fine arts program for high school juniors from public and independent schools nationwide. It offers students the opportunity for in depth study and practice of the visual arts. The school has been initiated by Robert Mondovi and Ann Hatch.

Be sure to RSVP with Connie Barton, Executive Director, AIASMC
650 348 5133"

For more information: AIA San Mateo County 650/348-5133

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