Thursday, February 16, 2006

Call for Submissions: Small Projects

Journal #37: Little Bitty Green Things

The AIA Small Project Practitioners (SPP) Knowledge Community requests articles (approximately 400-1,200 words) and practice tips (approximately 100-400 words) for the next SPP Journal. Please share a case study (there is value in both successes and lessons learned from less-than-success) or a proven best practice

Sustainability, "Green," and Common Sense
Big corporations do it, medical buildings do it, your local home improvement store is encouraging Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner to do it; the federal government is offering tax incentives to do it. How does an architect do it best? Energy conservation is again becoming a current topic for us and our clients. Small projects are not necessarily on the same playing field when it comes to LEED projects; however, excellent examples exist for sustainable design in the small project and the use of green materials and common sense to pick the right component for the right application.

The SPP wants to hear about your "best efforts" and "attempts" at building green. Tell us about those wonderful owners who encouraged you to push the limits of how much the project could accomplish. Describe how the contractor agreed to maximize efficiency and have a zero impact site. How did you educate your clients and contractors to accomplish good for the long term? Share your secrets. Compare your battle scars.

For More Information: Melissa Strunk,

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