Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Update to the Air District's 2010 CEQA Guidelines and Risk & Hazard Support Documents

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has just posted a May 2011 update to the CEQA Guidelines. The CEQA Guidelines were updated to reflect the Air District’s recently released refined risk and hazard analysis tools. The updated CEQA Guidelines include other clarifications and revisions, summarized on page i in the document, to further assist lead agencies in implementing the Air District’s thresholds of significance.

The Air District also released updates to the following risk and hazard support documents:

Recommended Methods for Screening and Modeling Local Risks and Hazards- describes in detail how to screen and model risk and hazards from stationary, highway, and roadway sources. Also discusses the assumptions and methodologies used in developing the Air District’s stationary source, highway, and roadway screening analysis tools.

Screening Analysis Flow Chart- outlines a step-by-step screening process for estimating risk and hazard impacts in projects.

Please see the District’s website here to download the updated 2010 CEQA Guidelines, and here to download the revised technical support documents.

For more information: Please contact Alison Kirk at or 415-749-5169.

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